Thursday, 26 March 2009

Holier than thou......

Why is it some people assume themselves to be superior? More often than not, these characters attempt to preach to you in a forthright manner, wholly assured in the absoluteness of their own beliefs and opinions.

A number of factors to explain such a stance spring to mind.

  1. Education: I've got such and such a qualification, you haven't so therefore my intellect is better than yours. Shallow logic. Counter: Intelligence, as regarded in the main by our current education system is largely accounted for in terms of information retention. Retention/memory, intelligence does not make in the whole. Furthermore, educational intelligence does not equal common sense. Often, when the former is in abundance, the latter is lacking. Additionally, educational intelligence does not equal social senses or skills, being neither streetwise nor savvy. Nor does it guarantee a successful life, career, marriage or anything else that matter aside from the pride in which the certificate instils in the individual.
  2. Age: I'm thirty years older than you, therefore I shall only address you in a condescending manner. 'Oh yes, you are obviously of such a higher intellect than myself being as you conduct yourself thus.' Pfaaaaaa..!!
  3. Religion: Such is the nature of the beast. In order to secure allegiance from one generation to the next, one of the very many methods of indoctrination instills in the individual a moral hierarchy. All those that fail to mount the summit of thmorality mountain scribed within the sacred pages is to be looked down upon, for they are lesser.......

Just spent a day in school with a bunch of teachers, deputy heads, principals and so forth........

Can you tell..?

Ignore my biased bunk.......

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Window to the soul........

I recently acquired a time machine......

OK, maybe not a time machine is the sense you might first imagine, but I still consider it to be one nonetheless.

We constantly process information, making sense of the stream of events that transpires with or without our interaction or involvement. My time machine records a fraction of a second of that information stream, making coherent something which we merge into the stream. Stripped of its links the fraction tells it's own story, one that meandered or rushed past us in the endless surge of sense data that is processed, stored or cast aside....

Please visit my time machine, subscribe if you wish to journey with me for the next 365.......

clicky click the link.........

Friday, 13 March 2009

All Muxed Up....

It's been one of those days: the loss of somebody very very dear to me, and the long awaited camera arrival.
'Why, you cold hearted cad! How could you even contemplate writing a blog on such an occasion?'.
Diversion, distraction, avoidance, my approach to all of lifes major issues. Stick my head in the sand, glass or even something else... Besides, she wasn't one for moping around, that said she sure could moan sometimes, maybe I'll write about her one day....

We finally have a decent net connection at home, and in due course I'll be snap happy. So with that I'll bid you adieu until family affairs are dealt with.

In a bit....

Well, I had to at least try it out right..

Yer i know, too much noise, sloppy focus, it's been a while. My last SLR was made in 1978 (as was I), so there are just a few extra features since last I shot anything.... More random pics to come soon...

Anybody know the best free site to showcase your photos? Flickr is the only major player I'm aware of.... Suggestions welcome..

Mary MacFarlane - Forever in my memory....

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Counting Sheep...

‘Bleary eyed’ seems to be a phrase I’m using with frightening regularity these days (in reference to myself), especially since the removal of sticky green trees from my life. Initially, said removal resulted in the expected effects, increased alertness, more energy and a greater general vitality. However, the honeymoon period has long since passed and I’m finding myself staring at the ceiling in the witching hours on an ever increasing basis. I’m guessing that this is due to an alternation and change in brain chemistry and that in time I’ll revert to normality, at least I hope so.

Thus far I’ve avoided succumbing to the temptation of the all numbing pleasantries of my good friend Mr beer, though I do fear a night on the ‘tramp juice’ is not that far into the future. In fact, a ‘tramp juice’ review has been pending for far too long, by such I mean super strength beers, Super T, Special Brew, Gold Label and the like. More sway for your penny...